Feel fitter than ever with this Surfer Workout Routine

The surfer workout routine is not only for surfers. Whether you want to improve your skills in the water or feel strong and confident at the gym, we have the perfect routine for you! You will have a strong core, toned legs, and a powerful upper body.

A strong woman lifting weights with the ocean in the background. A part of the surfer workout routine is squats
200904-N-FA490-2059 SOUTH CHINA SEA (Sept by U.S. Navy Medicine is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

Table of Contents:

We have a guide to get in shape to handle the waves like a pro. Have you ever watched a pro surfer catch wave after perfect wave, with the grace of a dolphin and the power of an ocean storm? Have you ever wondered what the trick is that allows professional surfers to capture wave after magnificent wave with agility and strength?

Woman surfer in bikini standing.  Surfer Workout Routine

I’ll let you in on it – It isn’t just talent or luck. Nope. Their secret weapon is hidden away from the big waves and sandy beaches.

The truth lies in their Surfer Workout routine. That’s right! Surfing demands strength, Balance, and endurance…and that comes from training off-board as much as on.

You see, folks, surfing is about catching waves and enduring wipeouts while keeping your cool. Sounds challenging yet exciting, right? Stick around because this post will help turn those challenges into opportunities!

Sample Workout:

The Importance of Surf Training for Surfers

Working out for surfers is Important. On Land & Sea Surfer Workout ROutines

Surfer at the beach doing a surfer workout routine.

Surfing isn’t just about catching the perfect wave. It’s a demanding physical sport that tests your endurance, strength, and stamina. If you’re not ready to meet these demands head-on, you’ll struggle to keep up with the surf. Workouts for surfers are the essential key to mastering the waves.

This is where surf training steps in as a game-changer. A well-rounded fitness program can prepare your body for the challenges surfing throws – from paddling against solid currents to performing swift maneuvers on big waves.

A good workout routine helps build upper body strength and core stability – crucial factors when staying upright on a board while navigating an unpredictable ocean. This fitness-focused surf training guide shows how land-based exercises improve water performance. The surfer workout routine may look different depending on your skills.

Fitness Pro Tips For The Average Surfer

No one becomes a pro surfer overnight. However, incorporating certain vital elements into your workout routines can get you closer to that goal faster than expected.

  • Paddling Power: Paddling makes up about 60% of any surf session. Building upper body strength through workouts like dumbbell presses will give you more control over your movements and help you catch waves more efficiently.
  • Injury Prevention: An unfortunate shoulder injury or strained muscles could prevent weeks’ progress if we ignore them during training. So, we must prioritize mobility drills, too.
  • Surf Stamina: To last longer on those long wave rides without gasping for breath every few minutes requires cardio conditioning exercises such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

When you work on land, you’ll reap the rewards in water. This Red Bull article, for instance, highlights some common mistakes surfers make – many of which can be rectified with a solid surf training program.

Key Takeaway: 

Surfing isn’t only about riding waves; it’s a full-body workout demanding endurance, strength, and stamina. A well-rounded exercise regimen can ramp up your upper body power for superior paddle control while strengthening your core to handle the ocean’s wild moods. Remember not to overlook injury prevention with flexibility exercises and bolster surfing endurance using heart-pumping cardio-like HIIT workouts. Training on land pays off when you hit the water.

Designing an Effective Surf Workout Routine

A well-crafted surf workout routine should hit all the right areas: strength training, high-intensity cardio workouts, and mobility drills. Each of these aspects contributes to your overall surfing fitness.

Strength Training for Surfers

The need for upper body strength in surfing can’t be overstated. Paddling is a crucial aspect of surfing that requires power and stamina. This Fitness-Focused Surf Training Program delves more into this topic.

Muscles involved in controlling the board through duck dives and turtle rolls also require pushing/pulling movements. A good example would be kettlebell swings, which help build core strength.

High-Intensity Cardio Workouts

Surfers know too well that catching waves isn’t a walk on the beach; it demands intense physical effort. High-intensity cardio workouts are vital to improving endurance levels required by wave riding or paddling out to catch wave after wave during your surf session.

Your heart rate increases with every paddle stroke and each big wave you ride, making cardiovascular health pivotal in any surf training program to increase endurance levels, among other things like boosting athletic ability and capacity.

Incorporating Mobility Drills Into Your Routine

Flexibility training is an often overlooked but vital part of a surfer’s workout routine. Including mobility, drills will enhance your range of motion and could make the difference between nailing those tricky maneuvers or wiping out spectacularly.

With paddle power and wave-catching stamina, your surf game needs them all. Discover how strength training, high-intensity cardio & mobility drills can boost your surfing fitness. Get on board with our Fitness-Focused Surf Training Program today. #SurfingWorkoutClick to Tweet

Building Strength and Power for Surfing

Free man surfing on sea, surfer workout rotuine

Catching a wave requires more than just an adventurous spirit. You need serious upper body strength to power through the surf. One way to get this is by doing chin-ups.

Chin-ups are an essential exercise for surfers. They help build actual muscle needed in surfing movements, like paddling or duck diving waves. A study on Red Bull’s fitness guide shows that consistent training with these exercises can significantly impact your surfing game.

Suspension Trainer: Your Secret Weapon

A suspension trainer gives you a full-body workout while focusing on your core muscles in maintaining Balance during intense wave rides. By adjusting the intensity of activities, it helps increase endurance as well.

Dumbbell Row: Build That Back.

If there’s one thing every pro surfer knows, solid back muscles mean better control over your board. Dumbbell rows are perfect for building those critical areas of strength.

The single-arm dumbbell press is another go-to move for many pros because they’re fantastic at working out the same arm and shoulder muscles used when you paddle into big waves.

Catch waves with more power. Build upper body strength with chin-ups and increase your control on the board by working those back muscles. Don’t forget a suspension trainer can be your secret weapon for full-body workouts and better Balance. #SurfingWorkoutClick to Tweet

Improving Endurance and Cardiovascular Fitness

The art of surfing is a demanding physical endeavor. The big wave isn’t waiting for you, so why should your heart? Your cardiovascular fitness needs to peak when you’re catching waves. High-intensity cardio workouts can help give you the stamina every pro surfer craves.

The Role of Running in Surf Training

Think about running as surf paddling on land – both require constant movement and increase endurance over time. If your legs are strong enough to run for miles, imagine what they could do with a board under them. Studies show that running exercises are practical for increasing physical endurance.

You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership either; all it takes is commitment, dedication, and possibly some good music (I’ve heard the sound of crashing waves does wonders.). It’s also an excellent way to clear your mind before hitting those high-intensity surf sessions.

Incorporating short rest periods during these intense workout days can enhance recovery times, too. That means more energy is left in the tank for tackling those epic swells.

Maintaining top-notch cardiovascular fitness lets you catch wave after wave and ensures quick recovery, essential for endurance surfing.
The better your heart’s shape, the less likely it will bail out on you mid-session.

Note: Remember, guys and gals, no one ever became a master overnight – consistent training is essential here. So get out there (or indoors if the weather insists), pump up that workout intensity with each step, and watch how fast improvements roll in… just like those waves you’ll soon be dominating.

Catch waves, not breaths. Amp up your surf game with high-intensity cardio workouts and running drills. Get more muscular legs for epic rides and faster recovery times. Consistency is key – start training today. #SurferWorkout ‍️Click to Tweet

Preventing Injuries and Enhancing Joint Health

A Consistent Surfer Workout Routine requires Balance

In the thrilling world of surfing, injuries are common but preventable. Especially shoulder injuries that could leave you out of the water for weeks or even months. Let’s talk about how to keep those joints healthy.

The secret weapon? Mobility drills. These help improve flexibility and prevent injuries. According to experts, mobility drills significantly impact joint health by enhancing range of motion and reducing muscle stiffness. And let’s face it, nothing is more frustrating than missing a perfect wave ride because your shoulders aren’t cooperating.

Red Bull provides an excellent guide on warming up before a surf session. It includes several helpful tips like doing arm circles in both directions – this is particularly beneficial as it targets all muscles involved in paddling motions.

Mobility Drills For Shoulder Injury Prevention

Are you curious about what exercise is most beneficial for avoiding shoulder injuries?

I’m glad you asked. Incorporating simple movements such as scapular wall slides can significantly reduce the chances of developing impingement syndromes – one of the most common causes of shoulder pain among surfers.

Promoting Overall Joint Health

Beyond focusing on our shoulders, we must also look after our overall joint health with some love.

A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps maintain cartilage health, while regular low-impact activities like swimming or cycling promote circulation around these areas – keeping them nourished and strong.

All right, my fellow wave riders. Stay safe by taking a few minutes to care for your joints before you catch that next big wave.

Say goodbye to shoulder injuries, surfers. With mobility drills and a dash of omega-3s in your diet, you can keep riding those waves without worry. Don’t let joint pain steal your perfect ride. #Surfing #JointHealthClick to Tweet

Enhancing Balance and Coordination for Surfing

Balance is a crucial element in surfing. Like a tightrope walker, surfers must maintain their Balance to stay atop the waves.

To achieve this, one needs good core strength. The Paddle Turtle Roll, for instance, helps develop that Balance by engaging your significant movements. This technique strengthens your core and improves your coordination on the board.

Core Strength and Surfing

A strong core can be likened to a car’s engine – it powers every move you make on the wave. It allows you to stay upright when massive forces are pushing against you from different directions.

Your midsection links upper-body strength with lower-body movements during each surf session. A robust core gives stability and control over these transfers of power.

Leg Strength and Stability

If surfing were dancing, legs would be our Fred Astaire – leading us through complex steps without losing rhythm or Balance. Building leg strength enables better control over board direction changes while maintaining smooth transitions between moves.

Front squats are excellent exercises that help surfers develop leg strength and stability. They’re like upgrading from regular walking shoes to hiking boots, giving more support.

“Remember, folks. Front squats aren’t just about building true muscle; they’re also essential tools for developing stamina required for successful pop-ups.”

Key stats back up this point, too – research shows that regular front squat training significantly enhances stamina and balance abilities among average surfer folk.

As always, remember, the best way to get better at surfing is to surf more. But by including balance and coordination training in your fitness program, you’ll set yourself up for success when it’s time to catch that big wave.

Key Takeaway: 

Surfing demands Balance, core strength, and leg stability. Balance comes from engaging your significant movements, like the Paddle Turtle Roll technique. A strong core is essential for staying upright against powerful forces while linking upper and lower body movements during surfing. Leg strength allows better control over board direction changes and smooth transitions between moves; front squats are great for developing this.

FAQs about Surfer Workout Routine

How do you get a surfer body?

A surfer’s body requires regular workouts, focusing on strength training and cardio. Balance exercises are essential, as is a lean diet.

What do surfers do to train?

Surfers use high-intensity workouts for stamina, weightlifting for power, balance drills for stability, and mobility routines to prevent injuries.

Why are surfers so fit?

Surfing demands endurance and physical strength. Paddling against waves builds muscle, while balancing on the board improves core fitness.

How do you get in shape for a surf trip?

Start with cardio exercises like running or swimming to prepare for a surf trip. Include strength training sessions targeting upper-body muscles, too.


You’ve now ventured into the depths of surf instruction. You now know how essential it is to improve your surfing skills.

An intense Surfer Workout routine isn’t just for pro surfers; it’s something all wave riders should incorporate. It’s about more than catching waves – remember?

You’ve discovered that strength training exercises like kettlebell swings and chin-ups are critical. They’ll give you that upper body power for effective paddling and big wave rides.

Running can increase endurance, while mobility drills prevent shoulder injuries common in surfing, right? And let’s not forget Balance – front squats will help there!

Your path to riding those big waves with grace starts here! Start your new workout program, and see how these workouts improve your next surf session!

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Surfer walking onto the shore
Surfer Surfboard” by James Pritchett/ CC0 1.0